Κριτικά σημειώματα

The stories of Giannis Paschos are a relay of images, an acoustic and colorful orchestration of the language. Katerina Schina, Newspaper Kathimerini
The power of ingenious conceptions and the performance of the insightful reasoning of Giannis Paschos can cause an ecstatic and riveting feeling. Thomas Korovinis, , Diastixo
With his prose – like, clearly poetic education and articulate texts, Paschos unfolds a concentrated dystopia, sometimes referring to surrealism and sometimes to the absurd. Vaggelis Chatzivasiliou, Anagnostis
Paschos won the bet of removing boundaries between poetry and prose.. He is a sui generis writer of Epirus (based in Ioannina) lucky enough to get his work published by the artistically quirky Perispomeni Editions,and see his words printed in beautiful books, an honour which he really deserves.. Stefanos Tsitsopoulos, Athens Voice
Giannis Paschos renews the contemporary literature in form and content, boxing a collective of values that holds well, and at the same time he weaves together a gallery of human bonds of universal orientation. Voula Skamnelou, Bookpress
Modern and contemporary poetic writing, with terrifying images of incomparable beauty and horror. Cloe Koutsoumpeli, frear
Giannis Paschos writes with the agitation of someone who woke up with clarity from a nightmarish dream. Costas Karavidas, Newspaper Epochi
In a humble and rare way, Giannis Paschos walks with a thoughtful step, with the accuracy of realistic observation, with a mostly transcendental vision.. Cristo Kremniotis, Newspaper Eleftherotypia
The author does not hesitate to reverse any available ritual that is part of the triptych “fatherland, religion, family”. Kostoula Maki, Fractal
Giannis Paschos attempts to give us seven warning stories that express the decline of our world. And he succeeds by leaving us speechless. Kyriaki Beioglou, Newspaper Efimerida Syntakton , EFSYN
Stories like arias: an essence of immersion in the literary essence, in a surreal style, which leaves the reader with a sense of flatulence masterfully woven. Nickos Xenios, Bookpress
A stormy and irrevocable monoconidial writing style, sweeps away every second thought the reader tempts to make, to endure what the author describes. Titika Tzalla, Newspaper Ipirotikos Agon
His stories do not respect borders, they do not enter molds, they do not stop anywhere. They do not obey norms. They travel and carry us using imagination as a means of transport.… Aspa Chasioti, frear
The book is written with incredible humor and disarming honesty, an indictment of the educational system as well as the political system that feeds it, with sarcasm as well as self-sarcasm. Eleni Priovolou, Fractal
Paschos’s literary texts are characterized by his own way of reading the world – often humorous, often commentary, often subtly sarcastic. Manos Kontoleon, Bookpress
The shocking narrative of Paschos, however difficult the incidents he narrates, are made even more spartan by his literary pen. Sideris Dioudis, Human Traffic
The book, written with directness, honesty, humor and empathy, does not simply tell a story, but indirectly attempts an indictment of the public school. Lina Fitili, frear
The linear narration of the events in the work of Yannis Paschos is structured with natural, restful and fresh language. Lilia Tsouva, Stigma Logou
The autograph novel “The Chronicle of a Dyslexic” by Yannis Paschos is of particular interest as a literary reading and moves the reader with its truth. Despina Kalaitzi-Chalioumi,anagnostis.gr
I read the book by the author and biologist Yannis Paschos “Chronicle of a Dyslexic” in one go and got a good dose of optimism. I do not hide that at times times, I laughed and cried while reading this book. Iosif Manikis, Fractal
Pisces is a difficult and daring undertaking from a scientific point of view, and the authors have succeeded in a unique and original manner not only to provide valuable insights but also to demonstrate ways of putting into practice t the so proclaimed and desired interdisciplinary creative research.. Manolis Piblis, TA NEA
His text in terms of form is unruly. It is a narrative, a wonderful literary composition, an allegory.. Despina Saltouridou, HARTIS
The texts of Yannis Paschos are charming, attractive, as well as instructive, open doors for re-reading and familiarization with experiences that you are invited to discover and experience behind and beyond reading. Filimon Karamitsos, newspaper, Eleutheria

Κλεοπάτρα Λυμπέρη | Ζωή εκτός ωραρίου |
Κώστας Στοφόρος | Μια νυξ δι εν έτος |
Κωστής Παπαγιώργης | Μια νυξ δι εν έτος |
Χρίστος Σ. Κρεμνιώτης | Μια νυξ δι εν έτος |
Γιάννης Ασδραχάς | Μία νυξ δι’ εν έτος |

Κωνσταντίνος Α. Πουλής | Μια εξαιρετική συλλογή |
Γιάννης Καλογερόπουλος | Μη φεύγεις |
Λάμπρος Σκουζάκης | pandoxeio.com/2014/12/07/aithrio169paschos/ |

Κωστούλα Μάκη | Τρία βιβλία – τρία κείμενα |
Άσπα Χασιώτη | Οι μαγικές ιστορίες του Δον Ντομίνγκο |
Νίκος Ξένιος | Οι θαυμαστές ιστορίες ενός μπορχεσικού ήρωα |
Κατερίνα Σχινά | Μεταφορά και συναισθησία |
Γιάννης Ν. Μπασκόζος | Τέσσερα πεζογραφήματα που ξεχωρίζουν για τις ιδιαιτερότητες τους |
Νεκταρία Ζαγοριανάκου – Μακρυδήμα | Οι μαγικές ιστορίες του Δον Ντομίνγκο |
Στέφανος Τσιτσόπουλος | Ζουν στα Γιάννενα και συγγράφουν λογοτεχνία συγκλονιστική. Ποιοι είναι; |
Σιδέρης Ντιούδης | Οι μαγικές ιστορίες του Δον Ντομίγκο |
Φιλήμων Καραμήτσος | https://www.ele.gr/?p=46972 |
Λάμπρος Σκουζάκης | https://pandoxeio.com/2020/05/17/paschos/?fbclid=IwAR0xWj4woRNK9VMY3u90Akbu2Qq8SOekp7aNivfjKf8z3F1X2L5r4pCIFcg |

Θωμάς Κοροβίνης | Φοβού τα βρέφη |
Κώστας Καραβίδας | Ένας διαυγής εφιάλτης |
Παρασκευή Σκαμνέλου | Φοβού τα βρέφη |
Δέσποινα Σουλταρίδου | Ένα αστείο βιβλίο που δεν αστειεύεται |
Κωστούλα Μάκη | «Ο μαγικός ρεαλισμός ενός κόσμου σε απομάγευση» |
Κυριακή Μπεϊόγλου | Μια αυθάδικη γραφή |
Βαγγέλης Χατζηβασιλείου | Θηριώδη βρέφη |
Χλόη Κουτσουμπέλη | Το δυστοπικό σύμπαν καθρέφτης |
Στέφανος Τσιτσόπουλος | Γιατί αξίζει να διαβάσεις το «Φοβού τα βρέφη» του Γιάννη Πάσχου; |
Βάσος Ηλιού | Φοβού τα βρέφη |
Τιτίκα Τζάλλα | https://www.agon.gr/vivlio/38146/sti-dini-enos-efialti-poy-den-metamorfothike-gia/ |

Μαίρη Γκούβα | “Το Εγώ είναι μια ουσία σωματική” https://www.oanagnostis.gr/quot-to-ego-einai-mia-oysia-somatiki-quot-tis-mairis-gkoyva/ |
Ζαχαρίας Σκούρας | Είναι το DNA, πνεύμα ή ύλη; https://www.hartismag.gr/hartis-66/biblia/einai-to-dna-pneyma-i-yli |
Άσπα Χασιώτη | https://bookpress.gr/kritikes/poiisi/20370-o-xristos-parakalaei-to-soma-tou-na-katevei-ap-ton-stavro-tou-gianni-pasxou-kritiki |
Παρασκευή Σκαμνέλου | Χριστός και Σώμα |
Φίλιππος Φιλίππου | Ο θάνατος και το πάσχον σώμα |
Ευτυχία – Αλεξάνδρα Λουκίδου | Ο Χριστός παρακαλάει το σώμα του να κατέβει απ’ τον σταυρό |
Κωστούλα Μάκη | Μια μακάβρια χορογραφία | https://neoplanodion.gr | 19/02/2025 |
Λίλια Τσούβα | Μια συνομιλία της ψυχής με το σώμα | http://literature.gr | 05/02/2025 |

Εύα Καραιτίδη | https://eleftherostypos.gr/politismos/ti-diavasa-20 | 16-2-2025 | |
Κυριακή Μπεϊόγλου | Παράλληλες διαδρομές | Εφημερίδα των Συντακτών | 08/02/2025 |
Φίλιππος Φιλίππου | Δύο άντρες, μία φιλία κι οι γυναίκες | www.oanagnostis.gr ,12/02/2025 | |
Μάνος Κοντολέων | Μια οργισμένη γενιά αναζητά καταφύγιο | www.bookpress.gr | 29/01/2025 |
Βαγγέλης Χατζηβασιλείου | Διακωμώδηση των σύγχρονων ηθών | Αθηναϊκό – Μακεδονικό Πρακτορείο Ειδήσεων | 25/01/2025 |
Αθηνά Κιορπελίδου Κική Χρυσομαλλίδου | Τα «Παραδείσια πουλιά» του Γιάννη Πάσχου | Fractal | 14/01/2025 |
Έφη Φαλίδα | «Η νύχτα είναι πάντα ένα όνειρο, μία περιπέτεια» | Τα Νέα | 06/12/2024 |